Consumers pursue quality and look critically at the meat sector. All chain partners in the meat sector (from producer to retailer) have a responsibility to ensure that meat can actually be consumed safely. To be able to guarantee the quality of the meat to the end user, audits are conducted regularly throughout the chain.

Audits meat sector

An audit is a systematic and independent investigation to check whether the reality corresponds to the desired state of affairs. An audit can be used to determine the extent to which requirements of customers (food retailers, for example), laws and regulations or internal requirements are met.

The following types of audits are present:

  • Internal audit:
    Audits within the own organization, performed by an internal auditor or external agency.
  • Supplier audits:
    To not just have blind faith but to gain full insight into the fulfilment of established agreements, an audit can be conducted in the company at the request of an external customer (for example, a food retailer). A supplier audit usually relates to those parts of the organization that affect the product. If a customer finds deviations, action can be demanded.
  • External audit:
    An external audit is a systematic periodic check commissioned by an external organization. This is usually a certification body. An external audit usually relates to the entire organization (certification audit).
    For a customer, a certified supplier means that an independent body has determined that the quality management system meets certain requirements and that this is supervised.

Assessment of the quality system

An audit assesses the effectiveness of a company’s quality system. The auditor identifies structural deviations and determines the seriousness of the deviation(s), and then reports these findings to the client. The results of an audit procedure are recorded in a report.

HYTT hygienic Transport systems

HYTT supports the food processing industry with the internal transportation of waste and residual streams so they can produce hygienically, safely and efficiently to ensure food safety. The HYTT system contributes hevaliy to:

  • Clean working environment
  • Professional appearance
  • Waste removed immediately
  • No BSE material in the food chain
  • No cross contamination
  • Less internal transport
  • No storage of trolleys and bins

Would you like to know whether hygienic internal transport of waste and residual flows is possible in your production area? We would be happy to put our experience to work for you.


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